Friday, September 28, 2007

FINISH HER! Or get started, at the very least...

Mortal Kombat references aside, I will quote U2's Sunday Bloody Sunday:

And the battle's just begun...

In the wake of Wednesday's debate, and other recent guffaw's in the media, people are actually commenting upon Hillary Clinton's "unsavory" behavior. Well someone's getting it right. The media had it wrong in the first place, teetering on the free pass to the Coronation Ball. Finally, some are perceiving her haughtiness, snippiness, and lest we forget, mechanized laughter.

I wish that The Daily Show hadn't done a bit on Hillary's calculated bubbliness at the start of the week. Had they not, I was hoping someone would address her moment at the debate, when she derisively laughed at Mike Gravel, if only for illustrating the severe danger in her Senate vote (which sided with Republicans and AIPAC-Lieberman in chastising Iran for waging “a proxy war against the Iraqi state and coalition forces in Iraq.”). Gravel's exasperated old uncle approach, which many deride, is sincere beyond words. People think he can't articulate his points, which is part of their very strength and urgency. The very SOUL of our nation is at stake, and he knows this. So disregarding the messeneger himself (which any Hillary-enabler is first to do), let's take the overall context:

A former US Senator, remembered for his strident passion to end the Vietnam war, expresses his shame and outrage at a current US Senator, who has just voted FOR a Senate Bill that antagonizes Iran, a country with whom we already have hangover-shaky relations.

Rather than take such a charge seriously and with the dignity expected of a Senator, former First Lady, and presumed next President (too many), she laughs. She scoffs. War is not funny, provoking further hostility is not funny. But heck, just laugh at the messenger, and the world laughs with you. Even though the comic, the jester, is always the one free to speak the truth, since everyone laughs along. In this case, AT the messenger himself. Forget that he was a one-man-wrecking-dove (copyright!! hands off, Colbert!) to filibuster against the draft (on and off for 5 months in 1971), causing Nixon to end the draft in 1973.

Instead of this moment, most of the media chose to pick up on Hillary's hard-lined stance against torture, flying in the face of Bill's endorsement of it, if to obtain information to squash an imminent terrorist threat. Then she gets all mushy about bickering over torture with Bill. Rather than alienating some with caustic commentary, Colbert invites everyone along with his customary wink and charm. Check his video on the MSNBC debates and the Clintons cuddling over torture.

It's like when Rocky makes Drago bleed! When Van Damme mounts a comeback against every villain he's ever faced! When Bono resurrects the crowd via Where the Streets Have No Name. Sufficed to say, there are chinks in the Clinton armor, and anyone who want a less Corporate-Militant America needs to get busy.

From PopMart, U2's ironic (and ironically misinterpreted) piss-take on corporate-pop-culture. They announced the tour from K-Mart, for crying out loud:

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