Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Homage to Cardiff

In light of recent readings and musings, I felt this tune was most appropriate. During my exploration of all things Britpop back in 2000/2001, I got into the Manic Street Preachers. They're not quite Blur, Pulp, or the Stone Roses, but they've got a trove of ace tunes in their catalog. At a Radiohead concert I attended in 2001 (the watershed Kid A tour), amidst phalanx after phalanx of self-important fans, Thom Yorke busted out a few lines from "If You Tolerate This Then Your Children Will Be Next". No one knew what was up, but my friend Alex and I smiled at each other in a truly enlightened moment. It was a clever nod to a fellow "New-Serious" band of Britrock, and arguably their finest song. With 2008 and Neocon sabotage ever looming in my mind (HERE, and even HERE), I can't find this any less pertinent. Especially considering the song was written about sympathizers who joined the Republican cause against Fascism in the Spanish Civil War. Still have to read that George Orwell...

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